Here is my down and dirty fix. Basically a script on login sets up a /tmp/firefox-$USER folder and symlinks ~/.mozilla/firefox there. On logout another script copies everything in /tmp back to a folder at ~/.mozilla/firefox-sync. I am using this on Ubuntu Jaunty and these instructions are for it.
Step 1: sudo nano /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default
#!/bin/bashStep 2: sudo chmod 755 /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default
# move the .mozilla/firefox directory if there
if [ ! -L "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" ]; then
if [ -d "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" ]; then
mv "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox-sync"
if [ ! -d "/tmp/firefox-$USER" ]; then
mkdir "/tmp/firefox-$USER"
rm -rdf "/tmp/firefox-$USER/"
mkdir "/tmp/firefox-$USER"
chown -R $USER:$USER /tmp/firefox-$USER
# copy the users files over
cp -rpdf $HOME/.mozilla/firefox-sync/* /tmp/firefox-$USER/
# create the link
if [ ! -L "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" ]; then
ln -s "/tmp/firefox-$USER" "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox"
Step 3: sudo nano /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default
#this moves all the data out of tmp back to the firefox.sync folder
if [ -d "/tmp/firefox-$USER" ]; then
rsync -a --delete /tmp/firefox-$USER/ $HOME/.mozilla/firefox-sync/
Step 4: sudo chmod 755 /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default
I hope this helps someone out there that is trying to remedy this behavior on their network